Forgive Yourself For Not Knowing Better…

We all make mistakes, we all act badly at sometime or another,
non of us are perfect. None of us can see clearly the
consequence of every action. Sometimes things happen contrary
to what we think will happen.
People do not always act the way you expect, you could kick a
man and expect retaliation, you would be surprised if he smiled
at you instead. But it has been known to happen. You could buy
a friend flowers, expecting a nice response, and instead you get
them thrown back at you, that has been known to happen.
With hindsight most people would probably act differently than
they do, if people knew more they would act accordingly. For
this reason, you must forgive yourself for not knowing better,
most of your problems come from a position where you lack
understanding, if you had understanding, you would more than
likely deal with the problem more easily.
You must stop beating yourself up if things go wrong, you are
not perfect, nor is the next man, you will learn from the
experience and that in time will make you a better person, more
able to deal with different circumstances.
So do a little forgiving, forgive those around you who make
mistakes and forgive yourself. The world will become a brighter
place if you just learned to forgive those who knew no better
under the circumstances.