Live for today, love for tomorrow, and laugh at all your yesterdays. Never regret
the past, always hope for the future, and cherish every moment you have.
To live a life with no regrets a person has to be willing to take life for all
that it be, and without expecting to understand or win every battle, but
instead to just love life, period. No matter what you do, you will make
mistakes, and that is okay. Nobody said that everything would come
easily, and not everything that happens in your present will be
completely understood.
The key is to act using your heart, because your heart will never lead you
wrong. Though rough circumstances will most certainly occur, if you hold
tight to your laurels, and follow that still small voice inside, later on in
life you will have no regret. For you will understand in the future, the
complexities of situations that you may have no clue about now. Embrace
your imagination, follow your dreams, and never sell yourself short.