Love doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be true.
A true love is a perfect love, because it bonds together two people who
are imperfect! There are a few stages in love, and by the last stage,
two different people grow such a bond together that their lives are
ultimately planned around one another's. A true love will do a lot for
the parties involved. It will certainly make both parties involved feel
good about their lives, and their selves.
It will give each other a respect that both parties deserve, and will protect each party's dignity, through the thick and through the easier times as well. Love has a lot of things that it needs to be, but perfect isn't one of them, because nobody will ever go through life without making a mistake. It just needs to be true enough so that it will conquer the mistakes, so that it will outlast the bad times, and so that it will be exceedingly joyous in the good times. The main characteristic of an everlasting love is that it is true!
It will give each other a respect that both parties deserve, and will protect each party's dignity, through the thick and through the easier times as well. Love has a lot of things that it needs to be, but perfect isn't one of them, because nobody will ever go through life without making a mistake. It just needs to be true enough so that it will conquer the mistakes, so that it will outlast the bad times, and so that it will be exceedingly joyous in the good times. The main characteristic of an everlasting love is that it is true!