Never chase love, affection or attention......

Never chase love, affection or attention. If it isnt given freely by another person it isnt worth having.
If you feel yourself starting to yearn attention and begging for love then something may be severely wrong in your relationship. The problem most likely doesn't rely in the dynamic of the whole relationship, but instead more in the individual participants of the relationship.
We all want to be loved, and though we all show our love for each other differently, we can't just up and change from the way that we showed love in the beginning to not being loving at all.
If you look at many successful relationships you will notice a common theme from both participants. That is, they never stopped trying to make each other feel how they did when they first got together.
Keeping fresh fun ways to show your love for your significant other is crucial to making each other feel loved and appreciated, so be sure never to slack in this department! Everyone wants to be loved without having to ask for it!