The greatest weakness of humans......

"The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how they love them while they're alive."
                   Being able to tell someone how you feel is a very difficult challenge, especially when it is the first time telling them. Although it is not feasible for every moment of our life to be planned, sometimes planning your words, especially when you are relaying your feelings to someone is the best way to handle things. In order for you to tell someone that you love them, you cant be looking forward to telling them, seeking for them to say the same in return. 

                 If you are doing this just to see a persons reaction then you are probably doing it for the wrong reason. You should only tell someone that you love them when you know in your heart that you do. Of course we all want the person we love to love us back, but getting our feelings off of our chest shouldn't be a ploy to gauge where someone eases feelings. Whatever you do be confident in the fact that you love this person, and know that whatever happens after you tell them how you feel, just happens.

A relationship with no trust is like a cell phone......

"A relationship with no trust is like a cell phone with no service, all you can do is play games."
         Having someone to trust is one of the greatest tools a person can have in life. The trust between two human beings is one of the most wondrous reactions that two people can easily share. When we trust someone we are basically able to give them as much love as we want to knowing that they will only use this love wisely, and will never use this love against us. 

When we deal with people we know we can trust, we know that we have someone that we can confide in with any given secret in our lives, and know that it will not ever be leaked. We know that we could give them the shirts off of our back if they needed it, and that they would give us the shirt off of their back if we needed it. Trust is one of the biggest relationship makers and breakers, because with trust a relationship is able to grow, and without trust a relationship will crumble.